Let’s put together everything you’ve learned! This lesson will give you practice with the contents of the lessons so far, and give you an example of the kind of R script that you might write for your own work.
The data file Fundybirds.csv
contains data on bird species counted in Fundy National Park during the Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count. Your goal is to write a new R script that does a basic analysis of these data.
is a list of birds that were sighted during the bird count. Each observation (row) in Fundybirds.csv
represents one bird sighting. The dataset contains the following variables:
Column | Description |
CommonName | Common name for the observed bird |
ScientificName | Scientific name for the observed bird |
Hour | Hour during which the bird was counted |
Your script should do the following:
Read in the file Fundybirds.csv
Look at the structure of the data.
Create data frames that answer the following questions: (Hint: Use dplyr
How many times was each type of bird counted?
Which birds were counted more than 10 times?
Make a table that shows how many birds were counted each hour.
Plot this table using a barplot.
Be sure to begin the script with commented lines with the file name, your name, the date, and a description of the script, and also comment liberally throughout the script to indicate what your code does!